Monday, April 23, 2012

Relay For Life.2

Four days have passed and our team has made a lot of progress! We took a store vote and chose the theme 'Wall-E' as our Disney based theme for the event. Since I will be posting pictures of the fundraisers and the actual event, I want to wait to give any decorating details...

So far, we have started a bake sale at Best Buy where employees can buy goodies and all of the proceeds go to our team goal. We also recently ordered some of those rubber-Livestrong type bracelets to sell within the store. Initially we were only going to sell them to employees, but one manager suggested letting customers buy them as well, so we're branching out. Some car washes are in order, and it was a bummer that we hadn't been a few more days ahead of this weekend or we could have had one in this 85 degree sunshine weather! (I went to the beach, pictures in the next blog...)

We filled our team of 15 pretty quick too, so many thanks go out to those dedicated few that were quick enough to sign up. Because we had many more people interested, we have started a second team which has boosted our goal to $3,000. This amount is very possible if each person reaches their own personal goal. Thank you to my Grammy and Papa, and Curt Allen who have already helped me to achieve my first goal, which has caused me to set my own new goal of $500 :)

More details when more things have happened, and feel free to spread the word about our Best Buy team. You can check out our site at:

and team #2 at:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Relay For Life

Anybody who knows me, or at least knows me on a somewhat deeper level, know that I am extremely efficient at planning events and/or organizing my team for those events. Two days ago I was informed that our store, Medford Best Buy, will be participating in the Relay For Life event at Spiegelberg Stadium in Medford on June 2nd and 3rd. This post and the next couple will be directly related to the event, listing some fundraising events and ideas, how to donate online, how to dedicate luminarias online, and any other information that I might come across.

First, I would like to say that the reason I participate in these events is because I have had family members and friends who have had, or do have, cancer. But the most tolling on me was my grandparents' neighbor and my childhood school Principal, Sammie Allen. Sammie was an amazing woman, someone who hardly ever lost her temper, who is a big reason for me being the bookworm that I am. She taught me how to play Pinochle, and I have numerous memories of her leaving small hidden gifts for us kids to find.

Our store is working on voting for a Disney theme that we will use to decorate our booth and our RFL webpage. So far, the top 3 picks are: Lilo & Stitch, Robin Hood, and Wall-E. By the end of tomorrow the decision will be made and we can start to plan for fundraising events.

Some of those events are going to be the basics like car washes, bake sales, maybe some yard sales if we can get enough stuff together, asking large organizations for donations, and we will be asking friends and family for donations as well. (We have a few specialized fundraising events depending on which theme is chosen.)

 For those who are interested in donating but can't make it to any of the events, I am going to list the steps to donate online through our Best Buy team, or through a specific individual. Since this is through my blog, I'll use my information, but when we make the team website we will recommend any associate/participant that you choose.

To donate online through an individual:
1) Go to
2) Along the top bar, hover over "Get Involved" and click on 'donate'
3) When the page loads, hover over "Donate to a Participant" and type in that participants first and last name (first: Heather, last: Holgate), click 'search'
4) Scroll down and click on the participants name, and then click 'donate on my behalf' in the purple bar in the middle of the screen
5) Select how much you would like to donate and then fill out your remaining information

Your donation through an individual will not only credit that person with the donation amount, but also the team that they are associated with. Each participant has a goal of $100 and teams have a $1,500 goal. The more we can raise the better! Since this is Medford Best Buy's first Relay For Life event, we want to come out with a bang :)

The more people who can donate the better, so please tell friends and family about our involvement. They can either read this blog, follow the above instructions, or look for our team on the Relay For Life website. Our team name is "Medford Heat", and consists of 6 or 7 members so far!

Easter '12

 This year, Best Buy held an Easter Egg Hunt in the store the morning before Easter for any kids and family members who showed up. We had a turnout of around 50 kids total and their family members, which was pretty good considering it was a first time deal. One of our gaming boys (Zach Pfrimmer) dressed up as the Easter Bunny and played Just Dance 3 with some of the kids on the Wii, holding competitions and giving away prizes. He was tired, and hot, and super sweaty by the end of the event.

A hidden egg

Zach dancing away...he wouldn't let the kids win

Our fearless event leader

Ulrika, taking pictures and keeping the crowd happy

Once again, I wasn't able to go home for the Holidays. This year I attended church solo. Applegate was amazing as usual, and I felt honored to know all three of the people who sang worship. Mitch used to work at Best Buy, which is how I know his wife Jess and her sister Amy. They are a very friendly group of people who truly love God.

After church I went to a small get together that consisted of a handful of the boys who I know through Drew and Casey's slowpitch softball team who were going to play football. Thankfully, Zach's girlfriend Minetta showed up too so I wasn't alone on the sidelines with my camera.

And some of my random pictures...I got bored and noticed a water fountain that was running by itself, so I took that time to wander and explore the playground a little bit while the boys played basketball.


I really was there, I swear!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Portland Trip: Part 2

Waking up on a cold, hardwood floor isn't my idea of a good time. Especially when I'm still in yesterdays clothes and don't get to brush my teeth. The 6 of us practically made Dutch Bros' quota that day as we walked less than a block to get coffee.
Casey, Candace, Taylor, and Shawn
Few blocks from Downtown

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We left downtown and headed to Drew's sisters house. Now, under normal circumstances this would be a regular affair. Until I realized that this woman was Miss Oregon 2010. She's kinda like a celebrity. Stephenie Steers. She's gorgeous!! And one of the nicest people I've ever met. Definitely deserved the win.
We ran around a bit that day. Taco Bell, the mall, waiting for dinner which resulted in a very interesting game, Sushi! and then Frozen Yogurt. Rented a couple movies, back to Steph and Chris', fell asleep in a chair, woke up, came home. All in all, it was an entertaining weekend filled with a lot of firsts and a lot of smiles.

Cold Beer Drive Through??

Dragon Roll

He ate a lot of plates...

Steph was never surprised by the camera...

The most amazing creation ever!! It was so pretty...